Biz and Coffee
Biz and Coffee
Pricing | How To Price Yourself
Pricing and How To Price Yourself
Pricing, like it or not, is often closely associated with Quality.
You are not a commodity! It’s important never to underprice - or undervalue - yourself. Price for value, not time…
Also, particularly at the higher levels, you are being paid for your knowledge and experience, not your time: it’s not about knowing how to use a hammer - it’s about knowing exactly where to strike!
If you've got something to say on this subject, please get in touch! We'd love to have you on the show.
If you'd like to contact us about this episode, please reach out! We'd be very happy to hear from you!
In Series 2 we'll be doing interviews - get in touch if you'd like to be on the show!
Twitter: @bizandcoffee