Biz and Coffee
In a galaxy of many podcasts, we’re honoured you dropped into ours! Our Mission: To inform, educate and entertain business leaders on ideas, concepts, and trends that help them in work and in life. We are entrepreneurs who are curious about stuff. Each week we’ll be discussing a business-related topic - sometimes just the 2 of us, occasionally with guests. What are your biggest business bugbears? Throw them over and we’ll work them out together! And if you’d like to be a guest, get in touch! We’re on social - contact details are in the show notes and on our Linktree.
27 episodes
Insights from "Purple Cow", by Seth Godin
In this episode we dive into “Purple Cow”, by the prolific and highly respected internet marketing guru, Seth Godin. Purple Cow is about being REMARKABLE: you can’t paint your product or service purple after the fact, you need to b...
Season 3
Episode 4
Insights from "The One Thing", by Gary Keller
In this episode we dive into the book “The One Thing”, by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. We all have so many things we want to get done, so how do you choose what to do right now? We’re all so busy… Too busy to even stop what we’re d...
Season 3
Episode 3
On Agile Transformation in Organisations, with Joelle Garden
People often think “Agile” is a project management methodology, but it’s so much more than that. It is really a mindset, impacting thinking, leadership and entire organisations. In this episode we discuss Agile with Joelle Garden -...
Season 2
Episode 10
Insights from "Go For No!" by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz
In this episode, we dive into the transformative book 'Go for No!' to unveil the secrets to entrepreneurial success, emphasizing resilience and conquering rejection.Whether you're an aspiring business owner or a seasoned entrepreneur, t...
Season 3
Episode 2
Insights from "Why We Sleep", by Matthew Walker | The Sleep-Work Connection: Boosting Efficiency and Mental Health
In this season we’re talking about books and discussing insights relating to business and business leadership. There is a Wonder-Drug that makes you live longer, enhances your memory and creativity, It makes...
Season 3
Episode 1
On Leadership and Team Performance, with Mark Hide
In this episode we chat with Mark Hide about leadership and team performance. Mark is a master in unleashing potential. His passion for developing high-performing teams, has established him as a go-to expert in the field. <...
Season 2
Episode 9
On Storytelling, with Michelle Eshkeri
A quick note before we start: We had some sound quality problems with this episode due to broadband issues and Ayo joining the session all the way from Nigeria! But fear not - technology did its magic and it all came out OK.Michelle Eshk...
Season 2
Episode 8
On Leadership (Part 2), with David Barnard
Welcome back for part 2 of our amazing conversation with David Barnard. This conversation was in 2 parts, so if you’ve not yet heard part 1, jump back into your pod-feed and listen to that first. In part 2 we talked abou...
Season 2
Episode 7
On Leadership (Part 1), with David Barnard
In this episode we met with David Barnard - Sloan Fellow, leadership consultant and coach, and, though he might not admit it, an extraordinary philosopher. We had a deeply fascinating conversation that is very hard to describe… <...
Season 2
Episode 6
Real Marketing, with Catrina Clulow
In this episode we meet Catrina Clulow - a vastly experienced marketing expert with a straight-talking, no-nonsense approach that is so refreshing in today's jargon-filled, super-hyped, everything’s digital innit?! world. She had so much wisdom...
Season 2
Episode 5
Cheapest College Ever (Part 2), with David Green
This is part 2 of our fascinating chat with David Green. (If you haven’t heard part 1 yet, go back and listen to that one first for David’s background and philosophy in business.)In this second part, David goes deeper i...
Season 2
Episode 4
Cheapest College Ever (Part 1), with David Green
This chat with David Green was tremendously refreshing. It’s pretty unfiltered and contains the odd swear-word. It was a long recording, with so many gems, so rather than edit it down, we’ve kept it all and split it into two episod...
Season 2
Episode 3
On Writing as a Tool in Business, with Lily Patrascu
Lily Patrascu creates books that transform the world!She does this for professionals that want to get booked to speak - worldwide - so they can make a bigger difference and enhance their personal brand.She can help you turn...
Season 2
Episode 2
On Futurism, with Martin Talks
Welcome to the first episode of Season 2 in which Ayo and Christopher chat with Martin Talks about Futurism, AI and stimulating your creativity. Will the robot overlords take over? What should companies do to prepare for t...
Season 2
Episode 1
Season 2 | Conversations With Interesting People | Teaser Trailer 2
We had a blast making Season 1 and we’re busy preparing, recording and editing Season 2: Conversations With Interesting People We will be talking about AI with Futurist and author, Martin Talks; exploring Leadership with ...
Season 2
Episode 0
Season 2 - Teaser
We had a blast making Season 1 and we’re busy preparing, recording and editing Season 2: Conversations With Interesting People.We will be talking about AI with Futurist and author, Martin Talks; Exploring Leadership with expert Da...
Season 2
Learn By Doing
In this episode we got into the experience of doing this podcast - our journey of learning and discovery. We also talked about Agile and The Agile Manifesto (https://agilemanifesto.org), the ...
Season 1
Episode 10
Knowing Your Numbers
Measure What Matters!You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure!It’s Not Size That Counts!We’ve all heard quotes like these… but what’s actually important about the numbers in your business?
Season 1
Episode 9
Productivity - A Key Word for 2023
In 2023, with a potential recession looming, what could be more important than PRODUCTIVITY?Could you ditch your ToDo list? What do you replace it with?How important is it to limit “work in progress”?These and other ideas …...
Season 1
Episode 8
What Do You Wish You Had Known When You Were Younger?
Do you wish that you could take the knowledge and wisdom you have now and give it to your younger self? What would that knowledge be? Could it have changed everything? Maybe… but that isn’t what happened.....
Season 1
Episode 7
Toxic Clients And What To Do With Them
Some clients are just not worth having… What can you do about it? What SHOULD you do about it? If you get a sinking feeling or a feeling of dread when certain people join your free webinar, or email, DM or ca...
Season 1
Episode 6
Pricing | How To Price Yourself
Pricing and How To Price YourselfPricing, like it or not, is often closely associated with Quality. You are not a commodity! It’s important never to underprice - or undervalue - yourself. Price for value, not time…&nbs...
Season 1
Episode 5
Engagement | The Best Long-Term Marriages Start With Engagement! So Why Doesn’t This Happen For Work?
The best long-term marriages start with Engagement!So why doesn’t this happen for work? Starting a new job in a new company is like getting married before you get engaged. Is it any wonder these relationships oft...
Season 1
Episode 4