Biz and Coffee
Biz and Coffee
Season 2 | Conversations With Interesting People | Teaser Trailer 2
We had a blast making Season 1 and we’re busy preparing, recording and editing Season 2:
Conversations With Interesting People
We will be talking about AI with Futurist and author, Martin Talks; exploring Leadership with subject matter expert David Barnard; and book-writing with coach Lilly Patrascu; we’ll cover scaling and selling businesses with David Green;
explore telling stories with Michelle Eshkeri; writing CVs with David Welsh, and the power of being a connector with Simon Halberstam, to mention just a few!
Subscribe now to get them all in your feed, and visit - bizandcoffee.com - for more information.
The first episodes of Season 2 drop in March.
In in the meantime, here’s a couple of clips from our conversations with Martin Talks and David Barnard…
Thanks again for listening!
If you'd like to contact us about this episode, please reach out! We'd be very happy to hear from you!
In Series 2 we'll be doing interviews - get in touch if you'd like to be on the show!
Twitter: @bizandcoffee