Biz and Coffee
Biz and Coffee
On Leadership (Part 1), with David Barnard
In this episode we met with David Barnard - Sloan Fellow, leadership consultant and coach, and, though he might not admit it, an extraordinary philosopher.
We had a deeply fascinating conversation that is very hard to describe…
We talked about music, choral singing, making our meetings better, why leaving your email until 3pm might be genius (it is!) and more, but listen carefully for your own insights: we assure you, it will be highly rewarding!
David is founder of Pracsys https://pracsys.uk/
...and you can find him on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-barnard-atpracsys/
He also responds to emails: david.barnard@pracsys.uk
If you'd like to contact us about this episode, please reach out! We'd be very happy to hear from you!
In Series 2 we'll be doing interviews - get in touch if you'd like to be on the show!
Twitter: @bizandcoffee