Biz and Coffee
Biz and Coffee
On Leadership (Part 2), with David Barnard
Welcome back for part 2 of our amazing conversation with David Barnard.
This conversation was in 2 parts, so if you’ve not yet heard part 1, jump back into your pod-feed and listen to that first.
In part 2 we talked about leading change, empathic leadership and how to start living a better life at work. David’s long experience and deep insights are most illuminating.
David is founder of Pracsys (https://pracsys.uk/) and you can find him on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-barnard-atpracsys/
He also responds to emails: david.barnard@pracsys.uk
If you'd like to contact us about this episode, please reach out! We'd be very happy to hear from you!
In Series 2 we'll be doing interviews - get in touch if you'd like to be on the show!
Twitter: @bizandcoffee