Biz and Coffee

On Leadership and Team Performance, with Mark Hide

June 09, 2023 BizAndCoffee Season 2 Episode 9

In this episode we chat with Mark Hide about leadership and team performance. 

Mark is a master in unleashing potential. His passion for developing high-performing teams, has established him as a go-to expert in the field. 

We touched on exploring and expeditions - he’s been scouting for decades and how to unleash teams to perform at their best. AI got a mention, and we all had a think about what we’d tell our teenage selves…

You can connect with Mark via LinkedIn:

And find out more about his work here:

If you'd like to contact us about this episode, please reach out! We'd be very happy to hear from you!

In Series 2 we'll be doing interviews - get in touch if you'd like to be on the show!
Twitter: @bizandcoffee

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